Ҷоми Ҳизби Халқии Демократии Тоҷикистон
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship beetwen universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship beetwen universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010
Football championship between universities of Dushanbe, 25Nov2010